Current work
Cigar Guy
Concept sculpt for a future puppet
Digital paint over
For the past few months I have been working on a puppet that I have been commissioned to do.
This is all work in progress and I will update with photos when the puppet is finished in July - August.
Ball and socket armature. Joints fabricated by John Wright & Animation Toolkit. Joints where then ground down to a smaller size to fit within the puppet body.
Update - Shoulder change after feedback from peers
Creating the body mould
Ali- fast cast poured
Ali - fast cast mould with wire armature in place for a test cast
Dragon Skin FX pro poured
Hands and feet moulds
Super Sculpey Firm over resin to create the main features of the replacement faces
Core replacement face pieces
Mold making
Resin casting
Original sculpt plus rein reproductions
Armature design
Very short video to show the client how effective the magnets are
This is a character bust made from a shelved puppet.
Newplast Plasticine, Styrofoam, wire armature, various fabric