Current work
Cigar Guy
Concept sculpt for a future puppet
Digital paint over
For the past few months I have been working on a puppet that I have been commissioned to do.
This is all work in progress and I will update with photos when the puppet is finished in July - August.
Update - Shoulder change after feedback from peers
Creating the body mould
Ali- fast cast poured
Hands and feet moulds
Cigar Guy
Concept sculpt for a future puppet
Digital paint over
For the past few months I have been working on a puppet that I have been commissioned to do.
This is all work in progress and I will update with photos when the puppet is finished in July - August.
Ball and socket armature. Joints fabricated by John Wright & Animation Toolkit. Joints where then ground down to a smaller size to fit within the puppet body.
Update - Shoulder change after feedback from peers
Ali- fast cast poured
Ali - fast cast mould with wire armature in place for a test cast
Dragon Skin FX pro poured Hands and feet moulds
Core replacement face pieces
Mold making
Original sculpt plus rein reproductions
Armature design
This is a character bust made from a shelved puppet.
Newplast Plasticine, Styrofoam, wire armature, various fabric